
Rocking Your Beltaway: A Guide for Fashionistas

Beltaway stretch belt for women

Fashionistas choose Beltaway

Fashion trends come and go (remember overalls and blue eye shadow!?), but one thing that is always in style is a slim silhouette. The problem is that even if you spend hours slaving away in the gym and never tempting yourself with chocolate cake for dessert, certain garments will create a bulky look. Even the slimmest silhouettes look bulky when you add conventional fashion belts for women, for example.That’s why we came up with Beltaway, an adjustable, elastic belt that eliminates “the buckle bulge” and provides that ever-elusive sleek look. Unlike traditional fashion belts for women, it’s virtually invisible, and chances are you will forget that you even have it on. All you will notice is your slim look, and people will talk about how great you look instead of snickering at the ugly backgap of your pants.

There are so many ways to rock a Beltaway, but these are some of my favorites:

The Business Dinner

The trick to putting in some overtime with your nine-to-five wear is to keep things professional yet fun. Make your conservative office wear more evening-appropriate by adding a funky accessory, like a chunky necklace, or bright blazer. Swap your flats for a small heel in a metallic shade or don a patterned cardigan. Eliminate bulge and gaps in your trousers or skirt with a black Beltaway – it’s so comfortable it lasts from nine to five and beyond!

Sporty Chic

Nothing ruins a golf game quite like needing to hike up your pants between putts. Look your best on the back nine by pairing a khaki-colored Beltaway with tan shorts, a brightly-colored polo and a sporty visor.

Backyard Barbecue

Grilling out is one of my favorite ways to spend a summer afternoon, but I hate having to adjust my belt after indulging in too many ribs and slices of apple pie. That’s why I like to wear a denim-colored Beltaway with my jeans. I can slyly adjust it while I am wearing it, and no one knows the difference! I love pairing it with cut-off shorts and a checkered button-down. It’s the perfect backyard barbecue outfit!

If you are interested in learning more about Beltaway then check out our video.

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